PappasBland are contemporary photographers based in Berkshire County, Massachusetts.




Northumberland, England

For Hexhamshire Hardwoods, applying our concept of visual storytelling meant bringing their business into the 21st century in a meaningful, honest and beautiful way – thereby opening their doors to customers who needed to find them but previously had no way of doing so.

Shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic we made a few visits to their woodyard in Northumberland, England to photograph their impressive operation. When the pandemic arrived businesses like theirs were challenged in unexpected and unprecedented ways. In the meantime we got to work on building their website, giving their almost forty year old business its first ever digital presence.
The launch of the Hexhamshire Hardwoods website coincided with people all over the UK taking a new or renewed interest in woodworking and helped connect new customers with an experienced family-run woodyard focused on quality and personalized service.

Tom and Diana stepped into our workshop just at the moment we were seeking to establish ourselves online. We tasked them with photography and creating an image-led website which we could use to promote our small business. We were impressed by their attentive and thoughtful approach, taking time to understand the different elements of our work. They worked unobtrusively to capture our processes, producing a series of coherent and evocative images and a website which reflect the ethos of our business and resonates with customers old and new.
Richard & Graeme Ferguson, Hexhamshire Hardwoods